James Cameron mostrou 24 minutos do seu próximo filme, Avatar no CinemaExpo International em Amsterdão. Os primeiros depoimentos começam a surgir na internet:
Unique Cinema Systems Nord: “stunning, literally jawdropping. Amazing visuals unlike any before seen, with incredible detail.” … “CGI was photorealistic, characters look really real. Believe the hype, this movie will be massive!” … “Cameron told audience each frame of finished film takes 30-50 hrs to render, then double that up for 3D.”
GJKooijman: “is mindblown” … “Still in awe of meeting JamesCameron...A scooper at Market Saw: “The clips were amazing” … “You will NOT believe the detail.” … “The world outside is amazing. It all lives, breathes and works.” … “You will not believe the amount of leaves that look like someone created that jungle for real.” … “Little fireflies and birds fly through the shots without being there. You just take them as the world, like a dove in Central Park. It’s not placed there, it lives there and just happens to be in the shot.” … “There’s a shot of leaves somewhere which is so photorealistic you don’t want to think it’s CGI. You believe this world from the get-go. It’s there, you don’t need to believe it because you will experience it.”
Mal posso esperar para ver este filme.
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